Enrich your Lenten experience by sharing meals with others, digging deep into the Gospel of Luke, and by being present at the many worship services that GPUMC offers during the season of Lent and, of course, on Easter Sunday.
You are always welcome at this church!
The annual book of Lenten devotions is available here. If you follow either of our Facebook pages, you will also be able to read each day’s devotion there.
Lenten schedule of events and services
All livestream services and follow-up videos are available at this link.
March 5 Ash Wednesday
- Drive-through ashes & blessing, noon to 1 pm
- Service: 7:30 pm, sanctuary & livestream
March 9 Lenten dinners & study 5 pm dinner, 6:30 pm study
Dinner: Witness Committee
March 16 Lenten dinners & study 5 pm dinner, 6:30 pm study
Dinner: Men Not Afraid of Aprons
March 23 Lenten dinners & study 5 pm dinner, 6:30 pm study
Dinner: UMW
March 30 Lenten dinners & study 5 pm dinner, 6:30 pm study April 6
Dinner: Outreach Committee
April 6 Lenten dinners & study 5 pm dinner, 6:30 pm study
Dinner: Potluck! Everybody contributes!
April 13 Palm Sunday & Music Sunday, 9:30 am service
- GPUMC’s Chancel Choir presents Lux: The Dawn From On High, by Dan Forrest
- Easter egg hunt after church (outside, weather permitting)
- Final Lenten study, 6:30 pm
April 15 Agape lunch & service, 11:30 am, Great Hall
April 17 Maundy Thursday, 7:30 pm, sanctuary & livestream
April 18 Good Friday, 12:30 pm, sanctuary & livestream
April 20 Easter!
- Sonrise service, 7:30 am, Memorial Garden (weather permitting)
- Traditional service, 9:30 am, sanctuary & livestream