Join Camp Firelight this summer!
Monday, July 29 – Friday, Aug 2
9 am to 11:30 am
Closing party: 11:30 am to 1 pm Friday, Aug. 2
Surrounded by water, trees, and rolling hills, Camp Firelight is the perfect location for every camper’s favorite summer activities! Campers join Counselor Sam and Lou, the lightning bug puppet, who invite us to put our trust in God in every situation, including during times when we might be afraid.
Children from preschool through 4th grade are invited to join us July 29-Aug. 2 from 9 am to 11:30 am for crafts, science experiments, music, games, and more! On Friday, Aug 2, after VBS, we will close with a party from 11:30 am to 1 pm.
The registration fee is $20 per child, with a maximum of $40 for a family. See details below about payment.
Volunteers are needed. Both youth and adults can register now. 5th graders and up make excellent Junior Helpers. If your child is interested, please register them as a volunteer!
GPUMC members also are invited to:
- Donate snacks to feed the children during VBS week. Sign up here for the snack of your choice.
- Help set up for VBS on Sunday, July 28 after worship
- Tear down VBS after 1 pm on Friday, Aug. 2
Join us this August! Please reach out to Emily Bianchi with any questions. We hope to see you this summer!
There are two ways to pay the registration fee:
You can pay online through the church’s giving portal. On that page, select one-time payment, VBS Fund.
You can send payments to 211 Moross, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236. Please mark envelope with names and “VBS registration”.
*Registration is not complete until payment is collected.* A confirmation email will be sent when payment is received.