Step into the warmth of the sanctuary this Sunday morning and join us for worship. We would love to see you there!

You can join us in person in the sanctuary or via the livestream. Both services begin at 9:30 am.

You are always welcome at this church!

Order of Worship for Sunday, Oct. 13

Minister: Rev. David Eardley

Liturgist: Leslie Rutland-Tipton

Link to the livestream here

Chimes hymn“Lead Me, Lord”
UMH 473

Doug Dykstra
Welcome Leslie Rutland-Tipton
Call to worshipPsalm 22: 1-11
UMH 752
Leslie Rutland-Tipton
Organ voluntary“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
UMH 133

Doug Dykstra
Greeting & Time of PrayerRev. David Eardley
Hymn“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”
UMH 117
Scripture readingHebrews 4: 12-16Leslie Rutland-Tipton
Chancel chatEmily Bianchi
Offertory invitationRev. David Eardley
Offertory music“Lord, I Want to be a Christian”
UMH 402
Chancel Choir
DoxologyUMH 95
Prayer of dedicationRev. David Eardley
Hymn“The Summons”
TFWS 2130
Scripture readingMark 10: 17-27Leslie Rutland-Tipton
The message“The Impossible, Done Daily”Rev. David Eardley
Hymn“O Jesus, I Have Promised”
UMH 620
Ministry opportunitiesLeslie Rutland-Tipton
BenedictionRev. David Eardley
Organ voluntary“Sent Forth by God’s Blessing”
UMH 664
Doug Dykstra