We hope you will join us in worship on Sunday, either in person in the sanctuary or via the livestream. Both services begin at 9:30 am.

You are always welcome at this church!

Order of Worship for Sunday, Jan. 12

Minister: Rev. David Eardley

Liturgist: Pete Franklin

Link to the livestream here

Chimes hymn“When Jesus Came to Jordan”
UMH 252

Welcome Pete Franklin
Call to worshipPsalm 29: 1-4
UMH 761
Pete Franklin
Organ voluntary“Praise Him with Trumpets”
by Richard Blake

Douglas Dykstra
Greeting & Lord’s PrayerRev. David Eardley
Hymn“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
UMH 139
Scripture readingIsaiah 43: 1-7Pete Franklin
Chancel chatEmily Bianchi
Offertory invitationRev. David Eardley
Offertory anthem“In the Bleak Midwinter”
by Harold Darke
Chancel Choir
DoxologyUMH 95
Prayer of dedicationRev. David Eardley
Hymn“I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry”
TFWS 2051
ScriptureLuke 3: 15-17, 21-22Pete Franklin
Message“With You, I Am Well Pleased”Rev. David Eardley
Reaffirmation of baptismal vows
Hymn“Spirit Song”
UMH 347
Ministry opportunitiesPete Franklin
BenedictionRev. David Eardley
Piano meditation“Fairest Lord Jesus”
UMH 189, arr Jenifer Cook

Douglas Dykstra