During this long weekend honoring the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., we hope you will make time to join us in worship on Sunday, either in person in the sanctuary or via the livestream. Both services begin at 9:30 am.

You are always welcome at this church!

Order of Worship for Sunday, Jan. 19

Minister: Rev. David Eardley

Liturgist: Joan Richardson

Link to the livestream here

Chimes hymn“O, Love, How Deep”
UMH 267
Douglas Dykstra
Welcome Joan Richardson
Call to worshipPsalm 36: 5-10
UMH 771
Joan Richardson
Musical meditation“Hymn to Peace”
by David Paxton

Douglas Dykstra
Greeting & Lord’s PrayerRev. David Eardley
Hymn“Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”
UMH 103
Scripture readingJohn 2: 1-11Joan Richardson
Chancel chatEmily Bianchi
Offertory invitationRev. David Eardley
Offertory anthem“Here is Love”
arr. Joseph Martin
Chancel Choir
DoxologyUMH 95
Prayer of dedicationRev. David Eardley
Hymn“Many Gifts, One Spirit”
UMH 114
Scripture1 Corinthians 12: 1-11Joan Richardson
Message“For the Common Good”Rev. David Eardley
Reaffirmation of baptismal vows
Hymn“They’ll Know We are Christians by Our Love”
TFWS 2223
Ministry opportunitiesJoan Richardson
BenedictionRev. David Eardley
Piano meditation“He’s God the Whole World in His Hands”
Spiritual, arr. Hugh Livingston

Douglas Dykstra