We welcome everyone at GPUMC and would love to have you join us on Sunday morning for worship.

Our in-person worship service in the sanctuary and the livestream begin at 9:30 am Sunday.

You are always welcome at this church!

Order of Worship for Sunday, Feb. 23

Minister: Rev. David Eardley

Liturgist: Libby van de Putte

Link to the livestream here

Chimes hymn“All My Hope is Firmly Grounded”
UMH 132
Douglas Dykstra
Welcome Libby van de Putte
Call to worshipPsalm 37: 1-11
UMH 772
Libby van de Putte
Prelude“Be Still, My Soul”
UMH 534, arr. William Felton

Doug Dykstra
Greeting & Lord’s PrayerRev. David Eardley
Hymn“Now Thank We All Our God”
UMH 102
Scripture readingLuke 6: 27-38Libby van de Putte
Chancel chatEmily Bianchi
Offertory invitationRev. David Eardley
Offertory anthem“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
Words, Robert Robinson; music, Lisa Hoekstra
Chancel Choir
DoxologyUMH 95
Prayer of dedicationRev. David Eardley
Hymn“And Are We Yet Alive”
UMH 553
ScriptureGenesis 45: 3-11, 15Libby van de Putte
Message“A Heart Transformed”Rev. David Eardley
Hymn“This is A Day of New Beginnings”
UMH 383, vs 1-4
Ministry opportunitiesLibby van de Putte
BenedictionRev. David Eardley
Organ voluntary“Jesus Loves Me”
UMH 191

Douglas Dykstra