Music is a core part of a United Methodist service.
GPUMC’s music ministry, led by Music Director Giustino Carrano Organist Doug Dykstra, offers the whole congregation opportunities to praise and glorify God through song and sound.
We have choirs for children, youth, and adults.
We have vocal and handbell choirs.
We have opportunities for vocal solos and ensembles.
We have opportunities for instrumental solos and ensembles.
Twice a year, the Chancel Choir takes the lead during Music Sunday, which is a worship service hosted by the music department, once during Advent and once during Lent.
Which musical opportunity works best for you?
The Chancel Choir (the “adult” choir) rehearses from 7:45 pm to 9:15 pm each Thursday in the upstairs choir room. The choirs go on hiatus during the summer months, but rehearsals generally begin again in mid-September. All are welcome to join; no audition is necessary. The choir performs most Sundays from September through June. If you are interested in joining the Chancel Choir, please contact the church office.
The Children’s Choir includes children from 1st through 6th grades. The children sing once a month during worship service from September through June. All children are welcome to join. The children’s choir is a program that teaches children how to worship God through music.
The Handbell Choir rehearses from 6:45 pm to 7:45 pm each Thursday in the upstairs choir room. GPUMC has had an English handbell choir since 1974, starting with the youth but later mostly with adults. The handbell choir performs about once a month from September through June.
Vocal or instrumental solos and ensembles are always welcome at GPUMC and especially needed during the summer months when the choirs go on hiatus. Contact music director, Giustino Carrano or Charlie van Becelaere if you’re interested in sharing your gifts in this way